
From Wikibase World
Revision as of 20:05, 13 June 2023 by Harej (talk | contribs) (mapping)
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A spiritual successor to the Wikibase Registry, Wikibase World is the Wikibase of Wikibases.

Add your Wikibase!

Feel free to create an entry for your Wikibase on this wiki if:

  • It is available for the public to consume (either read-only or read-write)
  • It intends to continue on an indefinite basis; in other words, it is not a temporary or interim Wikibase
  1. Create a new item with your name of the Wikibase as the label and "Wikibase site" or something else as the description
  2. Add a instance of (P3) claim with value Wikibase site (Q10)
  3. Add a URL (P1) claim with the URL to your Wikibase
  4. Add more properties if there are any
  5. If your Wikibase has an exact match property, register it on Wikibase World's Property:P4.


Migration from Wikibase Registry

As of 11 June 2023, Wikibase World has imported all relevant entries from the Wikibase Registry, cleaning them up and updating them. A mapping between the wikis has been created.

Data model

See Project:Properties

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